Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I like this....alot!

I really like this idea from The Inspired Room blog. Simple, easy, only five minutes each morning. I think taking five minutes each morning to do these four simple things will really help me get into a better routine for the day.

I need to do something to get back on track and get my house organized again. I'm way too busy with kids, school, volunteering, Girl Scouts, my photography business....YIKES taxes are coming up.......

What ideas do you have for helping a busy mom keep her life and house clean and organized? Leave a comment.


Gina B Ahrens said...

Lists...I have a daily list of things that need to get done today and a weekly list of things that need to get done before the end of the week. Oh! and menu plans...those are life savers....Go to the grocery cart challenge blog for a great form you can print for free....

Alison Kelley said...

Great post and blog! I never thought of it like that but I guess I do have a few things I do every morning. I love routine and structure and it does motivate me to keep going. Vacation just messes with that but I know eventually I'll get back into the swing of things and so will you Theresa!