Over the years I have changed my shopping day and the "start" of my week many times. It also depends on my husband's work schedule. Wednesday seems to be a good day to start our week these days.
Chicken with Rosemary and Lemon Salt
Green Beans
Brown Rice
Green Salad
Meatloaf (pull from freezer)
Green Salad
Chicken and Rice Casserole (bake half and freeze the other half)
Use leftover chicken from Wednesday (I put it in the freezer to make sure it would be okay.) {info. on freezing and refreezing foods}
Dinner at Nonna and Papa's - The easiest meal of the week. : )
Grilled Cheese and fruit
Deli dinner or Left Overs
So you inspired me to make a menu too. I went grocery shopping last night and took my menu with all the ingredients I needed (including stuff for the ice cream cake). We'll see how the week goes meal wise. It is nice to have it all planned out and not be trying to scrounge up a meal at 4pm.
Good job. I know I do SO much better sticking to my budget and keeping my sanity if I plan out my weekly menu. When dinner time comes I don't have to think.
I'm so glad I could inspire you. : ) That is what the BMCC email group always did. Let me know how your week goes.
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